
Physiotherapy is an essential part of the treatment for bronchiectasis. Because of the infection in the lung, secretions build up. Being able to cough the secretions up is important as this drains the chest of infected mucus.

All patients with bronchiectasis will have time with a physiotherapist, who will teach the techniques for getting the mucus up and draining the secretions from the lungs. The three methods illustrated in the video are the commonest forms of physiotherapy.

The first two, Acapalla and Active cycle of breathing can be taught by a physiotherapist. This will enable the you to perform these chest clearance methods on your own helping to keep you as healthy and infection free as possible.


Acapella from Cat Young on Vimeo.

Active Cycle of Breathing


Active Cycle of Breathing from Cat Young on Vimeo.

Autogenic Drainage

Autogenic Drainage from Cat Young on Vimeo.


Last Reviewed -13th January 2015