Day-to-day effects

Can I contract infections by meeting with other people with bronchiectasis?

No – not usually.  The infection is in the sputum you produce, so this has to be handled with care (into a tissue and into the bin or down the toilet).

This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is Hand-washing.jpgPeople with bronchiectasis are more susceptible to chest infections so try and avoid socialising with people that have colds or flu.  This does not mean becoming reclusive. Instead try to avoid situations where you might be exposed to such germs. Good hand washing is also important.

Catching a cold will not always lead to a chest infection, but you may be more susceptible to developing one. This will partly depend upon the severity of your bronchiectasis.

What about intimate contact with spouses – or children/grandchildren?

This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is Granchildren.jpgThere is no reason why intimate contact should not continue as you will not pass the infection onto your partner. Clearing your chest properly before any intimate contact is the key.

But I have a hacking cough and it’s embarrassing!

Yes, it can be.  But there is a lot that can be done by thinking and planning ahead.  If you are going to be in company of others make sure you clear your chest thoroughly immediately before you meet them and take opportunities wherever you can – perhaps going to the toilet – to clear again.  It is a case of developing coping strategies which minimise or eliminate the embarrassment.

Last Reviewed -10th July 2019